The Progressive O&P Approach to Custom-fitted, Comfortable Upper, and Lower-limb Prosthetics
Losing the functionality of a limb due to amputation, injury, or physical impairment is difficult, and it’s important to know that you’re not alone. There are nearly 200,000 surgical amputations each year in the U.S., and close to 7 million patients nationwide who depend on orthoses (or braces) to correct some form of physiological dysfunction.

The professionals of Progressive O&P
At Progressive O&P, we know that emotional health is a critical aspect of the recovery process, so we deal with the emotional hurdles right away. As an amputee, this process often begins before your surgery. In fact, the Progressive O&P team typically meets with your surgeon well beforehand to discuss post-surgical strategy and prosthetic protocols.
Once the healing process begins, hope quickly follows.
The Progressive O&P team shares the same enthusiasm and patient commitment — whether we’re treating a 70-year-old diabetic amputee or a 16-year-old football star recovering from knee surgery. Each patient is a unique case, requiring specialized protocols and customized technology. It takes remarkable skill, insight, creativity, and compassion to treat every patient individually, responding to his or her physical necessities and emotional differences. It also takes a state-of-the-art in-house prosthetics and orthotics lab, an ongoing working partnership with the world’s foremost technology experts, and steadfast dedication to patient rights, especially when it comes to healthcare coverage and financial support.
It’s not surprising that once patients connect with Progressive O&P… like a family, the emotional bond lasts a lifetime.
The Clinicians and Staff of Progressive O&P