Meet the Co-Owners of Progressive Orthotics & Prosthetics
In October of 2019, Progressive O&P will be celebrating 20 years in business.
Progressive Orthotics & Prosthetics, Albertson, New York, owners and founders Sal Martella, CPO, and Dan Bastian, CP, met in the mid-1990s while working for another company. They soon discovered they shared many things in common, including similar views when it came to caring for and helping their patients. Both men agreed that was lacking at the O&P practice where they were working.

The Original Progressive O&P Business Plan
Bastian, remembers telling Martella, "This is crazy. Either we buy his place, or we open our own." The owner, however, didn't want to sell, so Bastian and Martella opened Progressive O&P. Their first business plan was written on a scrap of paper, shown here, which is framed and proudly displayed in the conference room.
Since its inception in 1999, the practice has grown to include three additional practitioners and, a licensed clinical social worker, one of the first to work solely with an O&P practice in the Long Island, New York, area and a wonderful team of administrators who work hard behind the scenes to help support patients each and every day.